Chocolate-Fed Wagyu: A New Beef Delicacy - Les Gastronomes

Chocolate-Fed Wagyu: A New Beef Delicacy

Les Gastronomes

Chocolate-Fed Wagyu: A New Beef Delicacy

Many people love eating chocolate and beef—separately. But have you ever tried the two together? If you’ve got a sophisticated palate or are open to trying out new food then get your appetite ready because there’s a new delicacy in town: the Chocolate-Fed Wagyu.


So what is the Chocolate-Fed Wagyu?

Also known as Mayura Wagyu, this is a dish for beef lovers. But here’s the catch; this isn’t just any kind of beef. But it comes from Wagyu cattle that are fed a unique chocolate-rich diet in their final stages of maturation. The end result is a dish that offers a combination of sweet and rich flavour.  


How to Enjoy Chocolate Fed Wagyu

Sear this Mayura Wagyu on a charcoal grill to whip up a wide range of delicious dishes that’ll definitely tantalise your taste buds.

 You can enjoy this beef delicacy with any side dish of your liking, from potato wedges to sautéed garlic broccolini.


A Bit of History on Mayura Station

You might be wondering where exactly this delicious delicacy originated from? Mayura Wagyu originated from Mayura Station. The facility isn’t new to producing high quality beef. In fact, the station is a national award-winning beef producer. And of course, it specialises in the production of 100% full-blood Wagyu.


Located in South Australia’s Limestone Coast, this station boasts having fertile soil, clean water and reliable rainfall. All of which are conditions that contribute to the successful production of their high-quality beef.


What Inspired the Chocolate-Fed Wagyu?

It’s one thing to be involved in cattle production activities. But what could possibly inspire someone to feed his cattle chocolate you may wonder?


Scott De Bruin, who is the managing partner of Mayura Station,wanted to differentiate his station from the rest of the luxury cattle farms in the world. He wanted to revamp his brand by creating a unique flavour and style of beef.


He first consulted a Japanese nutritionist with whom he spent two years working with in a quest to find the perfect diet for his Wagyu cattle. One that wouldn’t endanger his herd in the process.


What Does this Special Diet Consist Of?

After consulting with various nutritional experts, the pair managed to come with a special diet which included:

  • 1 to 2kg of ground and broken milk chocolate
  • A mix of gummy bears and strawberries
  • Cream flavoured gummy snakes
  • Smarties and M&Ms


These ingredients were sourced from a near-by factory. And his cattle consume approximately 10 tonnes of chocolate on a daily basis. But fret not, this diet is only introduced during the final four months of the cattle lives.


As a result, the cattle won’t experience the long-term adverse effects associated with eating too much chocolate. Besides, this chocolate diet only makes up 30% of a very well-balanced diet.


Aside from chocolate and candy, the award-winning beef producer dedicates a lot of time and money in growing the majority of the feed which include:

  • High-quality secret ingredients
  • Corn
  • Oats
  • Wheat
  • Bran


The Verdict

The end result after feeding his cattle this unique diet is sweet tasting beef with a nutty undertone and buttery texture.


His efforts didn’t go unnoticed. His chocolate-fed Wagyu received the deserving attention from international communities the world over—including the likes of Forbes.


His beef is sold in some of Australia’s most exclusive restaurants. Being a luxury beef producing brand and award winner, naturally the Mayura Wagyu doesn’t come cheap. Interested parties can expect to pay AED 1200 ($300) for a 300g steak.


The high price-tag in no way reduces the demand of this beef product. If anything, the station had to increase their international supply to match the ever-increasing demand. And let’s be honest: exclusivity takes delicious.


Are you eager to try out this unique beef? Purchase the award-winning chocolate-fed Wagyu along with other key ingredients you can enjoy with this dish from our online gourmet grocery store.

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