Black pudding, the first traces of which can be found in the Middle Ages, is a charcuterie made from pig blood embossed in pig or sheep intestines (Marseillais pudding). But the other ingredients that are used in its composition may change from one region to another. Milk and rice for Burgundy pudding, onions and pork fat for Paris pudding or chard leaves, cream and eggs for Angevin pudding also called gogue.
The black pudding can be pan-fried over low heat or grilled in the oven. It can be poached before, about 20 minutes, to prevent it from bursting.
Black pudding is traditionally accompanied by potatoes and apples. But it can be combined, cut into rings, with vegetables such as carrots, other fruits such as pear and cucurbits such as pumpkin. Out of its envelope, black pudding can garnish a potato gratin to make a parmentier hash or pie, end up in the form of velvety or in a glass accompanied by a sweet potato cream.
Sold in a pack of 2 sausages